Children are listening and learning in every situation!
The best things you can do to help your child’s brain develop is reading, writing, talking, singing and playing with them every day.
By focusing on these five simple practices every day, your child will form a strong foundation on which to build when they are ready to enter school.

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5 Early Literacy Practices
Early literacy is what children know about reading and writing before they actually learn to read and write. Here are a few simple things parents can do to help set your child up for success in school and in life.
The single best thing you can do to motivate your child to read is to read with them often and to have fun doing it!
Short reading times, even just a few minutes at a time, are perfect. Let you child explore books in ways that are of interest to them.
- Let your child turn the pages and remember, it’s OK to skip pages.
- Try doing a “picture walk” through the book and just tell the story by what the pictures tell you. When your child is old enough, ask them to read the pictures to you.
- Run your finger along the words as you read them from left to right.
- Create voices for the story characters, and use your body to tell the story.
- Make it personal. Talk about your own family, pets, or community when you are reading about others in a story.
- Ask questions about what is happening in the story or what the characters are feeling or doing.
- Make reading and books a part of your daily routine.
Building the muscles and motor skills in a child’s hands are valuable to prepare them to hold a pencil and learn in school. Encouraging your child’s creativity through art is a wonderful way to build those skills and muscles.
- Make art a regular part of playtime. Offer chunky, easy-to-grip crayons, thick pencils, and washable markers.
- No need for instructions. Let your child experiment and explore!
- Notice the process, not just the product.
- Experiment with a variety of art materials as your child nears 3. Let children paint with cotton balls, q-tips, sponges, string—you name it.
- Encourage your child’s attempts to write.
- Display your child’s art and writing to show how proud you are of their work.
Long before infants begin to babble, they listen to what their parents say to them. Hearing you speak helps their brains form neural pathways so that speech will come easier later.
- Couple talking with gestures and other physical cues to aid in word meanings. Showing an object or a picture along with talking will speed up a children’s rate of learning new words.
- Use rich language that includes a variety of verbs, adjectives, and adverbs (For example, "see how fast this fish is swimming", "a baby elephant is coming", "The monkey is climbing the tree").
- Talking can happen everywhere. Driving in the car, talk about what you and your child can see outside the window. At the store, talk about the items you see on the shelves.
- Stop and listen after you ask a question or have spoken to them. Wait up to 8 seconds to see if they respond by babbling, cooing, or even using gestures like reaching out. This helps your baby learn how conversation flows with taking turns.
Like all the best learning experiences in early childhood, music activities promote development in multiple domains. For example, singing a lullaby while rocking a baby stimulates early language development, promotes attachment, and supports an infant’s growing spatial awareness.
- Play music during difficult transitions such as getting ready for bedtime/nap time or saying goodbye.
- Build body awareness by choosing songs like, “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” and touch each part on your child’s body.
- Use songs to stretch vocabulary. Rhymes help toddlers learn how to put words and phrases together. Pause and let your child fill in the word blanks when singing a well-known song. (“The Itsy Bitsy... spider!")
- Use movement and hand gestures to connect concepts. Songs such as, “The Wheels on the Bus,” allow children to learn while moving naturally.
- Provide instruments for children to practice keeping the beat or adding to the song in their own way. Check out shakers, rhythm sticks, and more from the library or give children a pot and spoon and let them bang away!
Playing has been proven to improve a child’s intelligence later in life as well as increase a child’s creativity, emotion regulation, communication, vocabulary, problem solving and empathy.
- Follow your child’s lead. Provide an object, toy, or activity for your child, and see what they do with it.
- Repetition is mastery. Children want to do things over and over again to practice and master a challenge. And when they can do it “All by myself!” they are rewarded with a powerful sense of their own competency.
- How does your child react to different textures, smells, and tastes? Encourage your child to explore textures through toys and safe objects around the house like soft fabrics, hard wooden blocks, bumpy rubber balls, etc.
- Look for opportunities for your child to play with other children, such as at the park or during a library story hour. Having fun with peers is an important way to learn social skills like sharing, conflict resolution, and empathy—and prepare children for a school setting later on.
Reading with Babies and Toddlers
Beginning early is important because the roots of language are developing in a baby’s brain long before they can talk!
The more words your baby hears over time, the more words they learn.
By the time your child is three, they understand stories with plots, and they can tell you stories with a beginning, middle, and end.
Letting your child love books in the ways they know how at each age fosters literacy skills.
Chunky board books, soft fabric books, or vinyl bath books are wonderful, tactile books to start with.
Though your baby may seem too little to understand, they enjoy your company and the sounds of your voice and words.
At this age, babies may come to recognize the book-sharing routine by calming, widening their eyes, or smiling and kicking to show excitement.
Babies will also want to explore books through their senses by grabbing and chewing on the book.
They may not pay attention to the whole story, so take a break when they get bored (looking away, arching back, closing eyes, crying).
Short, simple stories with colorful illustrations and bold text. Board books are durable and perfect for little hands.
Babies may begin to explore books by looking, touching (opening/closing), and mouthing them. It’s perfectly normal for babies to want to put books in their mouths. That’s how they explore their world! Gently correcting the behavior teaches your child that books aren’t for eating but don’t be surprised if it happens again and again.
By 9 months, they may prefer or seem to recognize certain stories or pictures.
Children this age often love simple stories with rhymes and repetitive phrases. They also love to look at pictures of real, familiar objects and especially at pictures of other babies.
Your toddler may have a favorite story at this point that they ask to read again and again and again. Repetition physically builds a child’s brain and is wonderful, even if you are tired of the same book. Try reading it differently next time by talking about the pictures instead of reading the words. You child will love the new stimulation with an old favorite.
Introduce longer stories (perhaps with paper pages, though supervise carefully) with more complex plots.
Humor is a big selling point at this age, as are silly rhymes.
Don’t worry if you child is restless or wants to move away from your lap when it’s reading time. Children’s bodies learn best while moving! Your child will still be listening even if it doesn’t appear so.
You can also try asking questions to engage them in the story. Encourage them to jump every time they see a rabbit, or give them the job of turning the page when it’s time.
Offer books that have a more engaging plot (especially humor, rhymes, and great illustrations) and even nonfiction books with topics like dinosaurs, trains, seasons, animals, etc.
At this age, take time to ask probing questions about the books you are reading like, “How do you think this character is feeling right now?” or “How would you feel if this happened to you?”
Your child is trying hard to figure out the world around them and seeing images in books helps them make real-world connections.
By age 3 your child might even be able to tell you the story just by looking at the pictures, especially if you’ve read the book before.