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Book Club Collection

Ames Public Library has multiple copies of many books that are popular with book clubs, and they can be checked out for 6 weeks! See the Book Club Collection list in the online catalog or view the PDF.



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The Baby Fair is Back!

by Jill Philby

Getting ready for a baby is a big job. Babies need plenty of diapers, bottles, and clothing, but there are always things—and services—that parents and families may not realize are available. A breastfeeding parent may know that a breast pump would be a wonderful thing to have, ...

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by Seth Warburton

The last few years have seen the remarkable rise of a new genre.  Romantasy, of course, is the cross of the fantasy (or even sci-fi) genre with the culture of the Roman Empire.  As all men know, there is a singular manly appeal to Roman times: loose fitting clothing, pl...

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