
Professional photographer (Clara A. Lynn, Ames, Iowa) took this picture on the morning of June 16, 1898, in front of Martha Jones's home on the northeast corner of Seventh Street and Douglas Avenue (704 Douglas). The fence surrounding the yard is a good example of the type of fencing most common in Ames at that time. The people posing in the yard, as named on the back of the original, are, from left to right: Dan Leslie, Clyde Bullock, Lottie Nogins, Gertrude Leslie, Martha Jones, Frank Hertz, Inis Hertz, Herbert Jones, Joseph Morris, Della Jones, James Leslie, and Myra Walls. The handwriting on the back of the original is difficult to read so some of these names may not be entirely correct. (See also: 190.1075.1)
Citation: 189.1074.3-5
Year: 1898