
Looking north up Douglas Ave. from the northwest corner of Onondaga in 1907. Tilden Grocery has people standing in front. O. K. Barbershop (5 chairs) with downstairs entrance is shown on left. Arlington Hotel (formerly West House) is in the center beyond Tilden's and the newspaper office. West House, a frame building, was built in 1868 by William Sherwood on corner of Fifth and Douglas. It was once owned by William West, the first mayor of Ames. Before West purchased the building, a group of women forced the closing here of the town's only saloon. The hotel was removed in 1915 when Captain Wallace Greeley bought the site and constructed in 1916 the Masonic Building which now (1991) houses the Octagon Center. (See also: 25.126.1; 25.127.1; 26.128.1)
Citation: 25.126.3
Year: 1907