
Iowa State College directory advertisements. The ad on the right is for the Lincoln Way Market (2518 Lincoln Way). Trueblood College Shoe Store (2512 Lincoln Way) was operating in the 1920s and 1930s. The ad in the upper left hand corner for the Princess Theater and the new Ames Theater (2420 Lincoln Way) is for the movie "The Affairs of Anatol" which was released in 1921. The Princess Theater on Main Street in downtown Ames had been acquired in 1920 by Joe Gerbrach who was also the owner of the new Ames Theater in campustown. Shortly after the time of this ad, Gerbracht changed the name of the Princess to the Capitol Theatre. The Varsity Shop was located at 205 Main Street in downtown Ames.
Citation: 94.510.3
Year: 1921