
Friley Hall, a residence hall on the campus of Iowa State College, around 1943. This photo shows the three-unit dormitory as it faced Campus Drive, cornering on Lincoln Way and Welch Avenue. Friley would ultimately consist of six interconnected units. The first unit, originally called Hughes Hall, was built in 1927; the second (north) unit, in 1939; the third (central) unit, in 1941-42; the fourth (southeast) unit in 1949-51; the fifth (south) unit, in 1953-54; and the sixth (food stores) in 1964-65. For more information about what was for many years the largest dormitory in the U.S., see "The Iowa State University Campus and Its Buildings, 1859-1979," by H. Somerset Day (Iowa State University Architect, 1966-75 and Planning Coordinator, 1975-80), Iowa State University, 1980. During World War II, Friley housed "V-12" students for the purpose of military training. The automobile in the photograph helps to date the scene as in the early 1940s.
Citation: 197.1118.1
Year: 1943 (approx.)