
Photo taken at the time the City of Ames designated Billy Sunday Drive an official street name and installed this sign. Billy Sunday Drive and Airport Road are off of South Duff Avenue near the Cory Family cemetery where the family of the internationally famous evangelist Billy Sunday are interred. The street name and cemetery preservation were projects of the Ames Heritage Association. The Cory Family Cemetery/Billy Sunday Birthplace was dedicated as a preserved local history site on May 31, 1992. Pictured below the sign are from left to right, Marvin F. Miller, Donald E. Nelson, and Lee Himan, all active in the Ames Heritage Association at the time. Lee Himan is now [2004] a retired administrator with the Ames Community School District. Marvin Miller was retired from Ames Stationers. Don Nelson, a retired accountant From Bourne's in Ames, was active in the Ames community, serving two terms on the Ames City Council and on the Story County Board of Supervisors for 8 years. Marvin Miller and Don Nelson are both now deceased. (Another photograph of the same group, 98.533.1)
Citation: 98.533.2
Year: 1991