Blog Entries

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Staff Member

Battles at the Ames Public Library

by Danielle Ziegler

Over the years, you may have noticed a yearly program at our library called the Battle of the Books.  This is one of my absolute favorite programs! In short, 5th and 6th graders compete in trivia battles about books they have read.  However, there is a lot more to these book battles.

Each year, library youth staff get together to decide what books should be featured on the upcoming year’s battles.  These are fun meetings with lots of discussions, as we all keep track throughout the year of books that we think would be great for battle.  I... Read Full Blog

Author Fair

by Megan Klein-Hewett

Ames is fortunate be home to a robust community of writers, and author support is one of the many goals of Ames Public Library. One new way the Library is supporting our writing community is through our inaugural Author Fair.

Join fellow writers and book lovers on March 25th for a free afternoon celebrating the craft of writing. Learn from writing professionals and meet local authors in an afternoon celebrating the craft of writing. All Author Fair events are drop in, so feel free to explore any or all of the afternoon’s events.

Starting at ... Read Full Blog

Trowel and Error

By Alissa Dornink

There are twelve days before the start of spring as I’m writing this, and I’m watching it snow as we’re under another yet another winter weather advisory. The last weekend of milder weather had gotten my hopes up that we had moved on from the snowiest parts of winter, even though I’ve lived through enough seasons to know better. I had even gotten out in my back yard and made progress cleaning up some of the rogue sticks and leaves and filled in some of the holes the dog has dug. I kept staring at my garden while doing that, making and revising plans for when it gets war... Read Full Blog

Quick Kids’ Reads

Spring break will find me winging my way across the country to visit my sister and her kids! Since I only have a few days with them, I’ve been gathering books that are high-interest, yet short enough that we can actually finish them. I learned my lesson on a previous family visit where we had to beg my sister-in-law to let the kids stay up late to finish a book, and another visit where my niece and I barricaded ourselves into a tiny guest room for most of a day to finish another one. You really can’t just leave a giant chicken wandering through the streets, or leave a broccoli-colored boy i... Read Full Blog

A Serpent at the Opera

by Jill Philby

Birds sing.  Whales sing. Cicadas, mice, and katydids sing.  But did you know that serpents sing?  The one and only Sid the Serpent will be singing here at Ames Public Library in OPERA Iowa and Des Moines Metro Opera’s family-friendly production of “Sid the Serpent Who Wanted to Sing” on Saturday, March 4, at 2:00pm in the Farwell T. Brown Auditorium. 

Wait.  Opera?  Family-friendly?  Sure!  After all, what is opera but good story-telling, music, theater, art and dance all rolled into one.  And a good opera does what a... Read Full Blog

Library Staff Day

by Sheila Schofer

As spaces full of books, technology, programs, and helpful, knowledgeable staff, people readily recognize libraries as places of learning for the public. Ames Public Library certainly embraces this concept through our mission We Connect You to the World of Ideas. We see ourselves as a learning organization for our community and our employees.

Staff development is a specific focus area identified in the library’s strategic plan. Library staff are involved in continuous learning in a variety of ways, through conferences, community training and online webina... Read Full Blog

‘Tis the Season!

by Max Gulden

There are a few things that just seem inevitable this time each year. People in top hats taking heed of the meteorological expertise of a shadowy subterranean mammal. The glimmer of warmer weather foretelling the approach of spring. A frigid blast of arctic chill to remind us it’s still only February. And then, of course, everyone’s favorite yearly tradition: tax season. For those who truly dread this particular tradition, fortunately, the Ames Public Library offers access to a variety of tax-related resources to help make tax season just a little bit easier.

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Black Future Month

by Seth Warburton

“How Long ‘Til Black Future Month?” asks author N. K. Jemisin with the title of her 2018 short story collection, though it may seem an odd question to pose here at the beginning of Black History Month.  But as Jemisin notes in her introduction, the stories of humankind’s many possible futures are too often written by those with the power in the past.  A science fiction story without black people implies that history’s racism will continue into the future.  During Black History Month, then, it’s entirely appropriate to envision a future that not only inclu... Read Full Blog

Home Voices at the Ames Public Library

by Ben Schrag

I work at a Public Library, but my background is in the creative arts; a little playwriting, a lot of songwriting. One of my regular duties is the Toddler Storytime, where these skills can come in very handy. 

When I started doing Toddler storytime, for example, I had a small conundrum. Storytimes usually start with a little welcoming rhyme to help set the tone. But when I started planning and preparing for my Toddler storytimes, I couldn’t find a rhyme that said quite what I wanted to say. They were either not quite the right message or not quite the fe... Read Full Blog

Get on Boards (or Commissions)!

by Cathy Cooney

Conservation. Historic Preservation. Planning and Zoning. Analysis of Social Services Evaluation Team. Campus and Community. Library. Public Art. Human Relations. Veteran Affairs. These are just some examples of the boards and commissions who advise city and county government on issues, services, and programs. With over 30 boards and commissions between Ames and Story County, everyone can find a good fit for their interests. Serving in this way connects people more deeply to their communities, plays a valuable part in advising governing bodies and recommending policy... Read Full Blog

Calling local Iowa authors!

It’s almost time for Ames Public Library’s Author Fair! Join us for any portion of the program, or enjoy the entire time.

Saturday, March 25, 2023 at Ames Public Library

Make Sense of Writing

1-2pm, Rotary Room 

Presented by Michaeljulius Idani, University of Iowa College of Liberal Arts and Science Postgraduate Visiting Writer in Fiction and Visiting Assistant Professor

Book Sales and Signing

2:15-4:15pm, Library Auditorium

Readers are welcome to drop in, chat with authors, purchase books,... Read Full Blog

Adventure Pass


by Tracy Briseño

Have you ever visited Blank Park Zoo in the winter? Gone to Reiman Gardens to sit with the butterflies when it is twenty degrees outside? When the cold and snow feel endless and you are trying to figure out what to do, I recommend checking out the library’s Adventure Pass Program. Using your library card, you are able to reserve a time to visit one of six locations. You can reserve a pass to each location once every 365 days.

You can visit Reiman Gardens and explore plants outdoors and inside the indoor conservatory. There’s also a tropica... Read Full Blog

Serving the Community at your Ames Public Library

by Danielle Ziegler

Since 1994, the third Monday in January has been Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the only National Day of Service in the United States.  It’s a day to encourage people to find a way to serve in their community. Martin Luther King, Jr. dedicated his life to the service of others. We here at the Ames Public Library encourage you to honor his legacy. 

One way that you can serve is by participating in Ames Public Library’s Supply Drive for ACCESS.  ACCESS stands for Assault Care Center Extending Shelter and Support, and they are dedicated to hel... Read Full Blog

Quick Picks

by Ellen Wanamaker

On the second floor at Ames Public Library, next to the new books, is a shelf of books and movies called “Quick Picks.” Some libraries call these “skip the line” or “lucky day” items. If you’re currently 36-deep in the hold queue for Colleen Hoover’s “It Starts With Us” or Michelle Obama’s “The Light We Carry,” then you’ll want to learn about Quick Picks.

Our librarians pay attention to the books and movies with the greatest demand, and buy additional copies for this special collection. Books designated as Quick Picks have a 7-day checkout with no renewa... Read Full Blog

Embracing Graphic Novels!

by Ethan Atwell

As a librarian, I frequently have caregivers come in with a child asking to help them find a “real” book, because the child primarily reads graphic novels. Graphic novels are one of the most amazing formats to enjoy reading. Below are benefits of reading graphic novels.

Graphic novels are accessible. According to Louise Baigelman (2022) at, the blend of images and words allows struggling readers to have more context while reading and not be overwhelmed by text. They also feel accomplished because they are able to finish a book. Graphic nove... Read Full Blog