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America's News from Newsbank banner logo

America's News/Ames Tribune from NewsBank

Search local job fairs, companies in the news, state and national business, economic and employment trends. Find diverse perspectives on topics related to job searching, consumer spending and the housing market. Updated daily. 

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Brainfuse Job Now & Vet Now

Looking for your dream job? Start here with free expert online resources including Resume Lab for virtual resume review services, and daily virtual live job coaching. Special services for veterans include Veteran Navigator to connect veterans to VA services and community resources, and a focus on transitioning from military to civilian careers. Connect to adult learning resources like live virtual tutoring, computer training courses, and study guides for college entrance exams.

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Digital Learn logo

Digital Learn

If you are new to computers, haven't used them for a while, are a little unsure and uncomfortable, or just need a bit of a refresher, this site has the tools to help tackle technology at your own pace and gain the confidence you need to succeed. 

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GCF LearnFree

If you need a quick brush up on your Microsoft Office or other technology skills GCF LearnFree is the place to start. Check out their more than 125 self-paced tutorials for math, career, reading, every day life skills, and more. 

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People's Law Library logo

People's Law Library of Iowa

The People's Law Library of Iowa is a website that includes information on legal topics such as consumer law, family law, and landlord/tenant law, as well as guidance on researching legal issues, a glossary of more than 100 legal terms, and more.

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