New Carpet Coming
by Sheila Schofer
As a homeowner of an older house here in Ames, I have appreciation for the ongoing upkeep it takes to keep a space in good repair. You put time and care into maintaining the places that hold meaning and importance to you.
The same is true on a broader community level. The library is one such place that our community consistently expresses their value and appreciation for. The Ames Public Library turned 120 years old this fall and through the years, generations of residents, elected officials, and library trustees, employees and volunteers have continued to show their commitment to maintaining this beloved public resource.
This winter, we’re tackling a big upkeep project: the carpet! The current carpet has seen nearly 4 million visitors and, despite diligent cleaning and maintenance, needs a refresh. The project will involve disruptions for the public over the next few months, but it will result in clean and beautiful spaces for many years to come.
Here’s what to expect:
The Library will remain open throughout the project, but parts of the building will be closed to the public during certain phases.
Anticipated Start Date
January 13, 2025
Adult Services: 6-8 weeks
Youth Services: 3-4 weeks
Vestibule/Entryway 1-2 days
- Adult Services Main Floor
- Youth Services Main Floor
- Study Rooms
- Teen Space
- Vestibule
Unavailable Spaces
The IDEA Center, study rooms, and some meeting rooms will be unavailable throughout the project. Learn more about meeting room availability at www.AmesPL.org/using-the-library/meeting-study-rooms
Other parts of the building will be closed to the public during certain phases.
Getting books, movies, etc.
There will be times when different collections will be unavailable to the public. At those times, small, curated collections will be available in the Lobby.
Library users will also be able to request and pick up holds, though processing may be slower due to shelves being inaccessible.
Due dates will be extended, so customers can keep items longer while the shelves are inaccessible.
A computer lab with printing, scanning, and faxing will be available in the Danfoss Room. Laptops will also be available for use inside the library
Storytimes and events
Some storytimes and events will continue during the project. Find out what's happening on our online calendar!
Thank you for your patience as we work to keep your library clean and inviting!
Watch our website and social media for updates or sign up for the Library’s e-mail newsletter at www.AmesPL.org/page-one-newsletter.