Exam Proctoring Policy

Section: Library Resources

Approved: 5/19/2005

Reviewed: 12/15/2011, 12/20/2018, 11/18/2021, 12/21/2023

Revised: 11/20/2008, 1/21/2016


Ames Public Library offers proctoring of examinations to further its role in supporting life-long learning.

Library staff will administer either written or online exams at Ames Public Library during business hours of 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM; Monday through Friday. The library will accept examination reservations based on availability of proctoring staff.

  • Proctoring services are not limited to Library cardholders.
  • The Library does not charge for providing proctoring services. Students are responsible for any incidental costs, such as postage to mail back exams. Payment of costs will be due prior to the time of the examination.
  • Any individual needing exam proctoring must first register with the administration office.
  • The institutions requiring proctored testing are responsible for making sure that the Library staff receives the examinations.
  • The Library is not responsible for completed examinations lost or damaged due to factors beyond the Library’s control, such as postal delays or email transmission problems.
  • Unless otherwise agreed upon with the students or their institutes of learning, the Library will shred and dispose of all exams left in the care of the Library for over four months.
  • The Library reserves the right to deny a proctoring request that is beyond the Library’s ability to administer.