ACCESS: Connect community members to needed information and resources.
Increase discoverability and access to Library information
- Improve ease of access to library catalog and online resources
- Identify opportunities for effective high-level directional signage
- Increase outreach at local events
- Enhance online readers’ advisory through personalized reading lists and updated website content and resources
- Target marketing to specific communities to increase use of library resources among underserved communities
- Active marketing to ISU and schools
- Active marketing to multi-lingual community
- Create new resident packets
Provide access to information and online resources patrons need to make informed decisions
- Develop an adaptable and flexible process to increase digital access and offerings based on changing community needs
- Expand computer/technology assistance to reflect community needs
- Develop media literacy programming
Serve community partners as a hub for information and coordination as a trusted community resource
- Identify stakeholders and service providers
- Convene community resource fairs
- Convene community groups like educators, social services, etc.
- Connect childcare providers with training and resources
- Host relevant information sessions in coordination with CoA Planning & Housing