Did You Know?
- Summer reading helps kids and teens avoid the "summer slide" (the period during summer break when there is a risk of falling behind in academic knowledge and literacy).
- Summer reading is great for all ages, not just kids. Everyone can benefit from improving literacy skills.
- When you participate in the Ames Public Library Summer Reading Challenge you can earn cool prizes!
Make your summer full of reading, cool prizes, and fun activities!
Upcoming Events
City of Ames Summer NEO
Summer new employee onboarding.
Registration and partnership through RRSC
Ames Public Library connects you to the world of ideas through diverse and inclusive resources and programs. We welcome proposals via our website for programs at www.amespubliclibrary.org/programproposal and exhibits at https://www.amespubliclibrary.org/exhibit-proposal.
Registration and partnership through RRSC
Ames Public Library connects you to the world of ideas through diverse and inclusive resources and programs. We welcome proposals via our website for programs at www.amespubliclibrary.org/programproposal and exhibits at https://www.amespubliclibrary.org/exhibit-proposal.
Registration and partnership through RRSC
Ames Public Library connects you to the world of ideas through diverse and inclusive resources and programs. We welcome proposals via our website for programs at www.amespubliclibrary.org/programproposal and exhibits at https://www.amespubliclibrary.org/exhibit-proposal.
Registration and partnership through RRSC
Ames Public Library connects you to the world of ideas through diverse and inclusive resources and programs. We welcome proposals via our website for programs at www.amespubliclibrary.org/programproposal and exhibits at https://www.amespubliclibrary.org/exhibit-proposal.
Registration and partnership through RRSC
Ames Public Library connects you to the world of ideas through diverse and inclusive resources and programs. We welcome proposals via our website for programs at www.amespubliclibrary.org/programproposal and exhibits at https://www.amespubliclibrary.org/exhibit-proposal.
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Tag us @AmesPublicLibrary or use #APLsummer21